July 19, 2015

The Fall of Traditional Values in Modern America

The United States, spreading its model of “democracy”, including by armed force in the Middle East and other regions of the world, is usually very sensitive about any criticism of the American way of life, seeing it as its enemies’ “attempt to discredit American society.”
However, let us try to understand objectively whether the “American model of democracy” is really that good and if it is worth copying.
According to the published results of the Gallup Poll conducted in all 50 US states and the District of Columbia on May 6-10, 72% of respondents indicated that the state of moral values in the United States is dramatically deteriorating.
So, what is it that Americans do not like in their country? – Let us take a look at the US media reports, even if only from the beginning of this year. Maybe we will see, on the contrary, information that every American can be proud of?

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