September 08, 2014

Why we love to hate conspiracy theories: 9/11 Truth as threat to the intelligentsia

Especially left and liberal professionals and service intellectuals but also right-wing members of the intelligentsia vehemently attack and ridicule “conspiracy theories” such as the present 911 Truth movement.
What ever happened to “war is a racket” and “follow the money”?
What keeps them from crossing that line? What makes them demean attempts to cross that line?
***Read full article here***

*9/11:Israel did it
*Fox Banned News 9-11 The Israeli Connection
*There is no evidence that Muslims did 9/11
*Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9-11
*David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
*Who Controls America?
*Israel belongs to the Rothschilds

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