August 06, 2014

Florida Group Bypasses Media to Get Word Out on Israeli War Crimes

Members of Congress (both criminal parties) enjoy thumping their chests about American exceptionalism and the moral high ground but there is nothing that is either exceptional nor moral about their support of the ongoing slaughter in Gaza. It is craven and cowardly and serves as yet another shining example of our broken political system. A system in which members of Congress routinely sell-out the long term interests of all of their own constituents as well as traditional American values in order to cater to the whims of moneyed special interest groups such as AIPAC.
In addition to their gaming the system in order to stay in office in the hope of one day landing one of the lucrative lobbying or consulting positions all thanks to Washington’s revolving door and this most lamentable Congress plays right into the hands of those who resort to terrorism. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ongoing killing spree, conducted with the full support of your representatives in Congress,....     ***Read full article here***

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