January 11, 2014

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon dies at 85

Sharon was born February 26, 1928 in the then British Mandate of Palestine to a family of Lithuanian Jews. By the age of 10 he had entered the Zionist youth movement Hassadeh and later the Haganah, the military precursor to the Israel Defense Forces.
His military career flourished as he became a commander in the Israeli army, celebrated as a military strategist.
He was an instrumental figure in the 1956 Suez War, the Six Day War of 1967, the Yom Kippur War of 1973 and as Minister of Defense directed the 1982 Lebanon War.
Sharon joined the Likud party after retiring from the military, serving in a number of ministerial posts and then as party leader in 2000 before becoming prime minister from 2001-2006.
***Read article about Sharon here*** 


RJ said...

may he rest in a pile of pig manure.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Well ain't that just grand!

No tears here. Need quotes by the old buzztard to see what we have lost?


When's the partay?

Anonymous said...

Can ANYONE give me a straight-answer as to why he was not allowed to pass-away, after he basically died in 2006? There was, from everything that I saw, no chance of recovery, so what were they trying to do?


Unknown said...


Because some messianic loon of a rabbi said, when he dies, the messiah will come.

This year is supposed to be end game.