August 18, 2013

Max French's The Victory Hour Aug 17, 2013

Alexander from Russia joins the show for a fascinating look at past and current events.

Egypt tears itself apart amid the pending Israeli seizure of the Suez Canal.

What will Russia’s next chess move be?

Also covered is the inspiring modern citizen/soldier’s tale of the defeat inflicted on Israeli terrorists crossing into Lebanon on August 6, 2013.     Show-page



sftx said...

Max this was very good; some real nuggets of history, but the guest was hard to understand; please invite him back but pause every few sentences/paras if you could to re-cap? Lost a lot because of the accent. Great to hear you two laugh, and I missed Egeria; hope she is OK.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Egeria will be back. The intense heat in Rome has kept her curtailed for awhile.

Regarding Alexander's accent. I find it difficult also but if you relax and just kind of open your ears to it... he gets easier to understand.

sftx said...

TY Dear Noor/Snipps!