August 15, 2013

Chemtrail Researcher Harrassed by Mercenaries

Sandra started out trying to figure out the chemtrails in November 2007. Debilitated with Lyme disease, she was directing a conference when some researchers concerned for her health and exposure told her about chemtrails. A few months ago, Sandra went to the mayor, chief of police and county commissioner near Tampa, Florida with her pictures of chemtrails over the Tampa, Florida area – and chemtrails complaint. The county commissioner
went to see Senator Bill Young, and the state congressional Representative.

The chemtrails stopped.

They weren’t completely blatant.”They would go out into the gulf and spray and let them come in”, Sandra explained. “They’re not spraying directly anymore”, she reconfirmed. They’re sneaky about it. When it’s getting ready to rain, they’ll spray above the clouds. Sandra knows a “very well known microbiologist who has three dead friends” and whom she does not reveal to anyone. Using a 20,000-power microscope he looked at her samples of chemtrails fallout caught in a sterile dish in her front yard – not rain, but actual powder falling from the sky.

Read the rest here

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