January 14, 2013

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager July 14, 2012

Carolyn Yeager and her guest Judith from England examine the meaning and implications of the “Bomber Command Memorial” recently opened in London with an unveiling by Queen Elizabeth.  Picture at left shows the enthusiastic, if elderly, crowd celebrating the occasion.
National pride or national obscenity? 




Anonymous said...

National pride or national obscenity?

National obscenity

Lindsey said...

One Saturday after-noon with this lady is enough for me.

We'll see about next week...



Anonymous said...

In the JewKay, they have laws against "Denying the HolyHoax". So, if you even so much as question official dogma - you will be arrested, tried, convicted and ruined.

Official Dogma includes vilifying National Socialism.

I don't think they have been able to criminalize explaining the mechanism of Jewish Inflicted Interest Slavery there yet.

In order to properly frame the horrific war crimes and genocide inflicted by bomber command, directed by Jewish Banking Power - the Money System Scam must first be explained and understood.

Once that is done - and your audience understands that Hitler's National Socialist Monetary Policy was both debt and interest free - people will begin along a road of deeper understanding into their present predicament.

White people in the JewKay are very painfully aware that they are being flooded with non-Whites. They are also aware that the flood of non-Whites has damaged their country.

But, if they complain about it - they will be arrested for the crime of "INCITING RACIAL HATRED".


The Jews need to hurry up and criminalize any discussion of Monetary Policy before its too late.

Anonymous said...

WWII, one of those feel good stories to distract the masses with.

Everything else is gone to shit but let's relish the good old days when we died for the Jews and Jew Bolshevism.

Anonymous said...

Lindsey, go play with your bagel.